About me

陈茂烁 Maoshuo CHEN

📞 Contact

Mobile:   86 189-1626-5983
Email:   maoshuochen@gmail.com
Linkedin:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/maoshuochen/

🎓 Education

2016 – 2020
Bachelor – Industrial Design, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University (GPA: 4.68/5)

2020 – Present
Master candidate – Interaction Design, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

👔 Work Experience

2019.4 – Present
Internship in Dassault Systèmes
Sales AssistanceProduce Demos using 3D Experience platform, mainly CATIAHelp planning and carry out activities such as Hackathon

2018.4 – 2018.6
Graphic Design Assistant in IDVx Lab (Intelligent Big Data Visualization Lab in Tongji University)
Produce graphic promotional materials such as posters and project brochuresParticipate in the interaction design part of lab projects.

2016.6 – 2016.9 / 2017.6 – 2017.9
Internship in Autodesk
Design a project of Musical Instruments and a project of jewelry using Autodesk Fusion 360Participated in the cooperation activities between Autodesk and Tongji University, such as helping curate exhibitions

🏆 Awards

2018 – 2019
National Scholarship for Bachelor
Shanghai Universities Industiry Design Competition 2019 – Second Prize
The 4th Think Youth-Shanghai International Digital Creation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition – Second Prize

2017 – 2018
The 9th China college student yacht design competition – Third Prize

2016 – 2017
Scholarship for outstanding undergraduate student in tongji university – Second Prize
The 4th China “Internet +” college students innovation and entrepreneurship competition tongji campus competition – Silver Award

📚 Skills

Interaction Design


Web Development

Posted in <a href="http://maoshuochen.top/category/college-of-design-and-innovation-in-tongji-univeristy/" rel="category tag">College of Design and Innovation in Tongji Univeristy</a>


  1. Hi, I’m Hajeong.
    I am a 3D modeler working for a small-sized company in Korea.
    I am a new employee in my 5th month.

    The size of our company is so small that the environment in which to learn work is poor.
    I saw your Pinterest while studying on my own.
    How can I get a nice textured 3d model like yours??
    I’m really curious what tools you used and what you studied.
    I am sending you an e-mail with a very frustrated and desperate heart.
    I’d be very grateful if you could reply to any response.


    1. Hi,
      I use blender for 3d modeling mostly. It is a really good software.
      You can learn blender on YouTube. @BlenderGuru and @Ducky3D share good tutorials of blender.


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